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A collection of interviews and photographs recorded by Women's Archive of Wales in 2013-14

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VSE084 Julie Moore, British Nylon Spinners, Pontypool

Julie Moore (married name Julie Watkins) Machine Office Clerk in the Production Control Department at British Nylon Spinners factory, Pontypool c. 1955-61. She left the factory to go out to Tripoli with her husband who was in the Military Police.
Julie Moore with two friends British Nylon Spinners factory grounds 
Staff of Production Control at BNS Julie Moore far right standing
Julie Moore with 2 friends in Brtish Nylon Spinners  factory grounds; buses in background, that were free to staff
Staff of Production Control Dept. taken at leaving presentation (see Signpost article, VSE084.6) 1961 
Article 1 from Signpost, the British Nylon Spinners weekly newspaper,  Thursday 8 June 1961, ‘Four Girls with a lilt in their Voices’ about the singing group the Librettis.
Article 2, number of photos of BNS staff.  Photo 1 is of Mrs Julie Watkins (Julie Moore) (Machine Office Clerk) receiving a necklace for six years’ service at BNS. She was going out to Tripoli with her husband who was in the Military Police.
